Problems Get Attention.

Brand creativity and marketing will only be as successful as the problem definition itself.

Problems get our attention. Great brands solve problems.

Problem definition is the work of positioning.

Creativity is a tool that liberates strategy to tell the story of your brand.

Earning attention has always been job one for advertising and marketing. Gaining it and keeping it, has always been the game. Attention must be captured and held with a relevant and compelling idea, expressed creatively, that captures heads and hearts.

Brands today are starved for attention. The media world is a fragmented, cluttered landscape of attention seekers. Finding your audience and gaining and holding their attention can feel like a high-wire act.

Today’s modern media dashboards with precise targeting tools, would seem to make it relatively easy to reach your prospects. These sharp tools and the targeting methods are blunt instruments in context of the complexity and distractions in our lives today.

Reaching a prospect is one thing, earning attention in their hearts and minds is another. Your ads and content may well reach your intended audience, without really reaching them at all.

Robots serve ads 24/7 into the digital vacuum; job done. The robots serve their own master and it’s not you. The robots have no emotion for you or your brand. You’re the only one that holds on to the hope that somehow your ad or content breaks through the clutter. It’s an algorithm that lacks rhythm, a truly soulless enterprise.

Humans have problems; some of them can be solved or at least soothed by brands.

Creativity is the differentiator that separates winners from the losers. Creativity puts the rhythm and rhyme back on your side. The human side.